Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Homeschool Parenting Discipline and Motivation: Dad's Bailiwick

"Homeschool parenting discipline" and "encouragement and motivation"...An informal poll gleaned these responses from a group of homeschooling Moms who were asked, "What do you want from your husbands?" The unanimous consensus was: Yes, we Moms do most of the actual teaching, but Fathers play a vital role in home education.

Dr. Mark Lowery, professor at the University of Dallas and a homeschooling Father, writes, "In a word, a crucial contribution to the homeschool on the part of the father is his attitude toward his wife. Needless to say, children pick up very quickly on the quality of the relationship between their two parents and are profoundly influenced by it."

Homeschool parenting discipline problems are greatly reduced (or disappear) when Dad takes an active role. If a problem arises, just a continual monitoring of the situation by Dad may be all that is needed.

The youngster needs to know very clearly and consistently what is expected. Show him/her examples of obedience and the other virtues. Study the Bible, lives of the saints and heroes of history.

The child must know that there are consequences for disobedience and what they are.

Before leaving for work, Dad reminds the child 1) to obey his Mother and 2) that Dad will be 'phoning to check on everyone.

Dad calls during the workday to see how things are going at home.

If necessary, he can talk to the offender him/her self on the 'phone to quickly remind him of expectations and consequences.

When he arrives home, Dad checks with each child. He asks how the day went, what the youngster learned, and if there any issues that need to be discussed. He makes time to listen and talk.

A Father's encouragement is inspiration for both his wife and children. He must let them know that homeschooling is important and that he is proud of their efforts.

Dad can sincerely compliment Mom in front of the children and any and all other relatives.

He can fix up the classroom or study area. For example, Dad can build shelves, paint bookcases and refinish desks.

Buy tiny homeschool gifts. What a treat--and motivator--when the Father brings little surprises home! They can be pencils, sticky notes or colorful stickers.

When inquiring about the day's activities, Dad honestly praises all good efforts.

A Father's good example speaks volumes. Children naturally look up to and imitate their Dad. His strong faith and upright character quietly but surely influence them.

Dad sets the pace for homeschooling parenting discipline and encouragement and motivation. Mother and children flourish with his support and inspiration.

Anna Marie has been homeschooling for over 19 years. Visit her website http://www.homeschool-living.com for encouragement, free worksheets and practical knowledge about electives (especially p.e. and art), temperaments, order, discipline, recommended reading, holiday and co-op games and activities.Agata Blog28241
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